Monday, January 6, 2014


By English For Young - ENGLISH TEACHING METHODS part 2
a follow-up discussion from ENGLISH TEACHING METHODS PART 1

A method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation language material. I order words it is a general plan for applying an approach.

Below is English teaching method for foreign language.

5.Suggestopedia,the principles of this method are derived from observations based control experiments (Stevick,1976:42).
  • The first principle is that people are able to learn at rates many times greater that what we commonly assume to be the limits of human performance.
  • The second principles is that learning global, it involves the entire person.
  • The third principle is that the people learn either consciously or unconsciously or both, either rationally or both.
The conceptof unconsciousness (paraconsciousness) comprises numerous unconscious form such as associating and coding( Lozanov,1982:148) give an example of the process with the process of reading.When we read something, we are not aware of the many unconscious components which constitute the activity, for example, the ideas which build up nations, the letters and the words which we happen to be reading. The last principle is the one that many people do not always agree with.

6.Total physical response (TPR) is method developed by James J. Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State University, California. TPR believe that language learners should understand the target language before speaking. Language learners can learn through observing actions as well as by performing the actions themselves (Larsen-Freeman,1986:114 and 2004). By observing actions and performing, they will understand the language they are learning. The meaning of words will be internalized by performing the actions in accordance with the commands. Even though performing and observing the actions is often associated with TPR, the tradition of teaching a foreign language through commands had been used long before the introductionof TPR.



A method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation language material. I order words it is a general plan for applying an approach.

Below is English teaching method for foreign language.

1.Grammar Translation Method ( GTM), this method focuses on translating grammatical forms, memorizing vocabulary, learning rues, and studying conjugations. Technique used is reading comprehension, composition, fill in the blank, teaching grammar deductively, antonym-synonym, etc.
2.Direct Method, this method more used target language andcharacteristics of the direct method regarding to language learning are :
  • Grammar is taught by situation and through inductive process.
  • The syllabus is based on situations and related to everyday vocabulary and structure.
  • Grammar and vocabulary is taught orally.
  • The mother language is never used.
  • The preferred type of exercise is a series of questions in the target language based on the dialogue.
  • Advance students read literature for comprehensionand pleasure
  • Reading follows listening and speaking, and the reading texts are based on the materials of the two skills.
  • Concrete meanings are made clear by presenting physical objects and abstract ones through association of ideas, not through translation.
3.Audio Lingual Method, this method is based on the principles of behavior psychology. This method adapted many principles and procedures of the direct method, in a part as a reaction to the lack of speaking skills of the reading approach. The aims of the method include some aspects of language learning. The linguistics aims of the ALM are :
  • Language learners are able to comprehend the foreign language when it is spoken normal speed and concerned with ordinary matters,
  • Language learners are able to speak in acceptable pronunciation and grammatical correctness,
  • Language learners have no difficulties in comprehending, printed materials,
  • Language learners are able to write with the acceptable standards of correctness on topics within their experience.(Surachmat, AM, 2011)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Teaching Listening for Young Learners

Teaching Listening for Young Learners

By English For Young - As we know that listening is receptive skills. But we should make the listening to be fun in teaching learning especially for young learners. We know that their characteristics is very unique, so let’s make listening to be interesting lesson.

Bellow are several ways how to teaching listening for young learners :

  • Listening should not passively activity, we can do actively teaching listening.
  • We should give different task according their age, learning style, their listening capacity, and their phonological awareness.
  • The language teachers should train the students to listen to the English sounds carefully.
  • Give simple instruction to get them ready to develop other language skills.
  • Give different task in listening classroom, such as :

Thursday, December 19, 2013


By English For Young - Writing is one of the four main skills in language learning. Teaching writing for young learners certainly different  with older learners. As young learners they begin with “emergent writing”. This starts with pretend writing and then gradually they begin to write words and short texts but without knowing exactly how to spell. Emergent writing is often combined with drawings.
As a good teacher we should remember when we teach young learners that along with learning how to write in English, they refining their oral language skills, depending upon the age, begining to develop written language skills in their native language. If students do not have writing skills in their native language, they most likely won’t have them in their second language. So the teacher should never underestimate the value of native language literacy.